Experience the transformative power of Vitality (2024), a unique collaboration between the feminist artist collective Hilma’s Ghost and Milaaya Art Gallery. This exquisite textile rendering reimagines Hilma’s Ghost’s original painting into an intricately hand-embroidered tapestry, blending contemporary art with the timeless tradition of Indian craftsmanship.


Vitality is more than an artwork; it is a talisman infused with the energy of colors, crystals, and divination. Created through a ritualistic and meditative process, the work invites viewers to contemplate themes of vitality, spirituality, and empowerment.

  • Featured Artwork

    Vitality, 2024 by Hilma's Ghost
    Through a partnership between the visionary duo Hilma’s Ghost—co-founded by Dannielle Tegeder and Sharmistha Ray—and the master artisans of Milaaya...

     Vitality, W 2.8 ft x H 4 ft, 2024 (Original)

    Through a partnership between the visionary duo Hilma’s Ghost—co-founded by Dannielle Tegeder and Sharmistha Ray—and the master artisans of Milaaya Art, Vitality bridges the worlds of contemporary abstraction and traditional textile art. Every stitch mirrors the brushstrokes of the original painting, creating a vibrant and dynamic expression of life force.


    Hilma’s Ghost employs esoteric practices and feminist ideologies in their creative process, infusing the artwork with layers of meaning and spiritual resonance. Milaaya’s artisans have expertly translated this vision into textile form, using threads and crystals to craft an immersive experience of texture and color.


    This piece exemplifies the synergy of two creative visions: the conceptual depth of Hilma’s Ghost and the unparalleled craftsmanship of Milaaya Art. Meditate on the layers of embroidery, colors, and textures to connect with the talismanic energy of Vitality.


  • Embroidery Translation

     Vitality, W 2.8 ft x H 4 ft, 2024 (Embroidered)

    Embroidery Translation

    Different textures are created using cotton and silk threads to bring out the essence of each shape adding play of dimension and depth. 

    A captivating blend of thread techniques, including modern interpretations of French knots, backstitch, satin stitch, chain stitch, and spring stitch, gives each element its distinct identity while seamlessly blending them together. The raised details add a striking 3D effect, creating a visually stunning experience.