Embark on a journey into the mystical world of Sci-Fi Sufism through Saks Afridi’s Daytime Journey. This captivating artwork invites viewers to step into a surreal landscape where the boundaries of time, space, and memory blur, offering a moment of reflection and self-discovery.
Saks Afridi is a visionary artist who reimagines South Asian and Middle Eastern traditions through a futuristic lens. His works challenge conventional narratives, fusing ancient mysticism with modernity to create evocative stories of the inner self.
Featured Artwork
Day Time Journey, 2024 -
Embroidery Translation
The experience is elevated through a variety of textured embroidery techniques, bringing the landscape to life. The intricate details of the mountains and foliage are beautifully rendered with modern threadwork, while the 3D embroidery on the car’s windshield, dashboard, and wheel creates a striking visual display.